You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > File - Inventory - Kit > Viewing and Updating Kit Component Prices
Viewing and Updating Kit Component Prices

Use this option to view the aggregated buy and sell prices for a kit's component items, including non-inventory items. The buy price for each component item is totalled to give average costs for the whole kit item, while the wholesale and retail sell prices for each component item are also totalled to give sell prices for the whole kit item.

Updating a kit's buy and/or sell prices via this option updates the prices for the kit item on the Item Update screen - Sell Price tab, including actual markups (refer to "File - Inventory - Sell Price").



If you want Micronet to calculate a kit item's prices using markups, you must use the Recalculate Kit program on the Kitting menu (refer to "Kitting - Recalculate Kit").

To view or update aggregated component prices for a kit item:

  1. Display the Item Update screen - Kit tab for the kit item.

Refer to "File - Inventory - Kit".

  1. Select the Prices button.

Micronet displays the Addition of Component Pricing screen. All the sell prices and average cost prices for the kit's component items, including non-inventory items, are aggregated and displayed.

  1. If required, you can edit the buy and/or sell prices for the kit item.
  2. Select the Save button to save any changes you have made.

Micronet saves the kit prices and updates the prices on the Item Update screen - Sell Price tab. It also recalculates the Actual Markups on that screen from the prices you have entered.